
Each service has a specific time frame, if you’re unsure select Customized Color.

Customized Color

Appointment time: 2+ hrs

Price: $95 - $250+

If you know precisely what you would like, or are unsure and none of the services describe what you're thinking, this is a good choice for you. A Custom Color is a combination of services done in one or more appointments depending on your desired outcome. It can include multiple processes to achieve your desired look based upon what you have currently and what your target color is. Any color is achievable based on your time, cost, and commitment of care.

My priority is healthy hair. Healthy hair is beautiful in any color.

Olaplex treatments are included with every color service

Haircut and Design

Haircut costs may vary based on time and technique:

Mens| $45

Women’s Short or Medium| $72

Womens Long| $90

A color or gloss charge may be added with the desired result and will be discussed during the consultation.

A toner is included in all the blonding services

Book a Consultation | Appointment

We will talk about what your needs are and I’ll walk you through every step of the process.